Sarita Vasa

Sarita Vasa’s mission is for every person to operate at their greatest capacity. She has lovingly been given the designation by her clients as “The Velvet Hammer” as she balances kindness and courageousness to help get people there.

With her twenty years of business experience, she has spent half of her career founding and running a social enterprise, and the other half of that as a coach, trainer, and facilitator. She leverages her experience of advocating for a cause, building a brand, and managing diverse teams to support her clients. She specializes in team development, women’s leadership, presentation coaching. Her clients include eBay, Facebook, Samsung, Golden Gate Capital, UC Berkeley, Larwrence Livermore Lab and Autodesk. She has worked with clients ranging from individual contributor up to the C Suite.

Many of her more recent engagements have focused on supporting leadership teams improve their communication and effectiveness in a remote working evironment.

She recently moved to Orinda from Oakland, and lives with her husband, two kids, cat, and a family of deer.