Your B-SPOKE plan uses a free Ascend GiANT.os account for individuals. Sign up/login here to access video content to prepare for Live Module Reviews, Live CORE Groups, assessments, tools and resources.

Orientation Session

We are proud to have you join and be a part of this program that has impacted 100's of participants across North America and the APAC countries. During the Orientation Session, you'll get a chance to meet your cohort members and learn how to engage in the XCORE Program. You will see how to get the most out of the program and get answers to your questions so you can begin confidently.

Read our B-SPOKE Process for descriptions and directions for each Module.

Each of our Growth Plans will take you through:
4 Live Module Reviews, 4 Live CORE Group Coaching Sessions and 1 Live Signature Voice Coaching Session.

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3
Signature Voice Module 4 Module 5
Module 6 Module 7 Module 8

Module 1

Here's how it works.

STEP 1: Watch on GiANT.os*

Session #1: Become a Leader Worth Following
Session #2: The Peace Index
Session #3: Your Support/Challenge: To Team & Family
Session #4 Your Support/Challenge: To Yourself & Others

*Each session has a Tool, Exercise, Challenge, Takeaway, and Quiz. Use the slider at the top of the page to complete each section, as well as, materials for each using the download button.

STEP 2: Schedule 1:1 coaching for personal transformation

1:1 Coaching sessions are designed for you to find opportunities to use the skills directly into a current situation at work so you will have greater control and empowerment in your job. These can be scheduled ahead of time on a monthly basis.

  • Click the button below to schedule time with your Coach.

  • Recommended for make-up sessions, also includes personal application opportunities.

  • Two 50 Minute sessions, plus informal conversations within reason at $375, billed through Symmetry.


Module 2

Here's how it works.

Here's how it works.

STEP 1: Watch on GiANT.os*

Session 5: 5 Circles of Influence: Intentional vs. Accidental
Session 6: Know Yourself to Lead Yourself
Session 7: Who Says You Can’t?: Inhibition vs. Prohibition
Session 8: CORE Process: Key Tools for the Climb

*Each session has a Tool, Exercise, Challenge, Takeaway, and Quiz. Use the slider at the top of the page to complete each section, as well as, materials for each using the download button.

STEP 2: Schedule 1:1 coaching for personal transformation

1:1 Coaching sessions are designed for you to find opportunities to use the skills directly into a current situation at work so you will have greater control and empowerment in your job. These can be scheduled ahead of time on a monthly basis.

  • Click the button below to schedule time with your Coach.

  • Recommended for make-up sessions, also includes personal application opportunities.

  • Two 50 Minute sessions, plus informal conversations within reason at $375, billed through Symmetry.


Module 3

Here's how it works.

STEP 1: Watch on GiANT.os*

Follow the schedule below:

Session 9: 5 Voices: Discovering Your Leadership Voice

*Each session has a Tool, Exercise, Challenge, Takeaway, and Quiz. Use the slider at the top of the page to complete each section, as well as, materials for each using the download button.

STEP 2: Schedule 1:1 coaching for personal transformation

1:1 Coaching sessions are designed for you to find opportunities to use the skills directly into a current situation at work so you will have greater control and empowerment in your job. These can be scheduled ahead of time on a monthly basis.

  • Click the button below to schedule time with your Coach.

  • Recommended for make-up sessions, also includes personal application opportunities.

  • Two 50 Minute sessions, plus informal conversations within reason at $375, billed through Symmetry.


Signature Voice

Here's how it works.

Attend the Live Signature Voice session

Live Signature Coaching sessions are instrumental to get clarity on your natural leadership tendencies so that you can become self-aware in your biases and filtered lenses. Hear and see how others perceive you so that you can objectively engage in communication with others towards building influence. You'll have an opportunity to hear the voices of the different people in these sessions using the 5 Voices framework. Join this session so you can start to fine-tune your ability to hear yourself and others accurately for the first time, helping others to want to listen to what you have to say so you can grow your influence.

  • Highly recommended to schedule a 1:1 coaching session this week for clarity on your voice order.

  • Two 50 Minute sessions, plus informal conversations within reason at $375, billed through Symmetry.


Module 4

Here's how it works.

STEP 1: Watch on

Follow the schedule below:

Session 10: 5 Voices: Leadership Insights for Your Voice

*Each session has a Tool, Exercise, Challenge, Takeaway, and Quiz. Use the slider at the top of the page to complete each section, as well as, materials for each using the download button.

STEP 2: Schedule 1:1 coaching for personal transformation

1:1 Coaching sessions are designed for you to find opportunities to use the skills directly into a current situation at work so you will have greater control and empowerment in your job. These can be scheduled ahead of time on a monthly basis.

  • Click the button below to schedule time with your Coach.

  • Recommended for make-up sessions, also includes personal application opportunities.

  • Two 50 Minute sessions, plus informal conversations within reason at $375, billed through Symmetry.


Module 5

Here's how it works.

STEP 1: Watch on GiANT.os*

Follow the schedule below:

Tempo, Balance, Focus

X-FACTOR: Learn how to prioritize the competing demands.

*Each session has a Tool, Exercise, Challenge, Takeaway, and Quiz. Use the slider at the top of the page to complete each section, as well as, materials for each using the download button.

STEP 2: Schedule 1:1 coaching for personal transformation

1:1 Coaching sessions are designed for you to find opportunities to use the skills directly into a current situation at work so you will have greater control and empowerment in your job. These can be scheduled ahead of time on a monthly basis.

  • Click the button below to schedule time with your Coach.

  • Recommended for make-up sessions, also includes personal application opportunities.

  • Two 50 Minute sessions, plus informal conversations within reason at $375, billed through Symmetry.


Module 6

Here's how it works.

STEP 1: Watch on GiANT.os*

Follow the schedule below:

5 Gears Part 1: Understanding the 5 Gears (7 min)

Gear Order: Shifting gears for high emotional intelligence (8 min) NO PDF

Healthy Gears: How can you use the 5 gears to lead yourself well (2 min) NO PDF

*Each session has a Tool, Exercise, Challenge, Takeaway, and Quiz. Use the slider at the top of the page to complete each section, as well as, materials for each using the download button.

STEP 2: Schedule 1:1 coaching for personal transformation

1:1 Coaching sessions are designed for you to find opportunities to use the skills directly into a current situation at work so you will have greater control and empowerment in your job. These can be scheduled ahead of time on a monthly basis.

  • Click the button below to schedule time with your Coach.

  • Recommended for make-up sessions, also includes personal application opportunities.

  • Two 50 Minute sessions, plus informal conversations within reason at $375, billed through Symmetry.


Module 7

Here's how it works.

STEP 1: Watch on GiANT.os*

Follow the schedule below:

Each session has a Tool, Exercise, Challenge, Takeaway, and Quiz. Use the slider at the top of the page to complete each section, as well as, materials for each using the download button.

STEP 2: Schedule 1:1 coaching for personal transformation

1:1 Coaching sessions are designed for you to find opportunities to use the skills directly into a current situation at work so you will have greater control and empowerment in your job. These can be scheduled ahead of time on a monthly basis.

  • Click the button below to schedule time with your Coach.

  • Recommended for make-up sessions, also includes personal application opportunities.

  • Two 50 Minute sessions, plus informal conversations within reason at $375, billed through Symmetry.


Module 8

Here's how it works.

STEP 1: Watch on

Follow the schedule below:

5 Voices Game-plan

Each session has a Tool, Exercise, Challenge, Takeaway, and Quiz. Use the slider at the top of the page to complete each section, as well as, materials for each using the download button.

STEP 2: Schedule 1:1 coaching for personal transformation

1:1 Coaching sessions are designed for you to find opportunities to use the skills directly into a current situation at work so you will have greater control and empowerment in your job. These can be scheduled ahead of time on a monthly basis.

  • Click the button below to schedule time with your Coach.

  • Recommended for make-up sessions, also includes personal application opportunities.

  • Two 50 Minute sessions, plus informal conversations within reason at $375, billed through Symmetry.


Contact us if you need any help.