Signature Voice
Step 1: Attend a Live Signature Voice Coaching Session
Learn proven and practical leadership skills using the following videos and worksheets that we are covering in this module.
Live Signature Voice Coaching sessions are instrumental to get clarity on your natural leadership tendencies so that you can become self-aware in your biases and filtered lenses. Hear and see how others perceive you so that you can objectively engage in communication with others towards building influence. You'll have an opportunity to hear the voices of the different people in these sessions using the 5 Voices framework. Join this session so you can start to fine-tune your ability to hear yourself and others accurately for the first time, helping others to want to listen to what you have to say so you can grow your influence.
Step 2: Schedule Your 30 Minute 1:1 Coaching
1:1 Coaching sessions are designed for you to find opportunities to use the skills directly in a current situation at work so you will have greater control and empowerment in your job. These can be scheduled ahead of time on a monthly basis. Recommended for make-up sessions, also includes personal application opportunities.
Schedule with your Coach this month by selecting below.
Lawrence Huey